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Buying Singing Bowls - Buying Tips and Pointers


Singing bowls originated from Tibet a couple thousand years ago. They are mostly used by Tibetan monks. Even before Buddhists existed, these bowls were already used by shamans in their practices. Singing bowls can affect our mind and body through sound and vibration. The sound that these bowls make helps our minds and bodies relax. With this, we can concentrate deeper within ourselves. This can be done by massaging our body by using the vibration and sound of these bowls. These bowls are usually made of 3 to five metals. There are also singing bowls that are composed of seven metals. These bowls are usually of high quality. Because each and every single one of these bowls are handmade, no bowl will be the same with another. Here are a couple of tips on how to find and buy singing bowls.


If you are looking for the right singing bowl from, you must take your time when analyzing your choices. Most singing bowls are used for meditation purposes. It is important for you to find one that you really like as you will be using it a lot. Pick one that can be used to actually heal your body and mind.


If you are in a store, you should try striking the bowl to hear what it sounds like. These bowls can be played by striking them with a wooden stick that is covered with soft leather on one end. You can choose to strike the bowl or rub it with the edge of the stick. Rubbing it will produce a ringing sound. This will make resonant tones that will make the bowl vibrate for an extended period of time. Make sure that the sound last for a couple of minutes when you strike the bowl. This means that it can make several layers of tones when struck.


If you are planning to buy one online at, check if the website provides audio clips of the bowls that they are selling. Good stores will always have audio clips of the sounds of their singing bowls. This will help buyers determine whether the bowls are what they are looking for. Take your time in finding the best deals online as there are plenty of them to choose from. Fortunately, this approach won't take that much time because most sites are easily accessible. Lastly, always prioritize your preferences over everything else.

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